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Irish people are loving this American blogger's post marveling at the 'happy cows of Ireland'

“IRELAND! ME! COWS! I could not contain myself.”

HERE IN IRELAND, we tend to take the sight of cows for granted.

In fact, you could say that we’re a bit cow-weary at this stage.

But tourists? Tourists love cows, as demonstrated by this lovely blog post by Berlin-based American blogger, Luisa Weiss.

Weiss is a food writer and chef who writes The Wednesday Chef. 

sfs Source: The Wednesday Chef

The post, which was originally published in 2014, is entitled The Happy Cows of Ireland and recounts a trip to Ireland (paid by Kerrygold) in which bloggers were invited to visit a dairy farmer in the south-east.

You could say they were excited.

After that, all that was left to do was to impatiently await our departure and to aggravate the kind people in my life by asking them repeatedly if they knew that I was going to Ireland in May to see some cows. Ireland in May! To see cows! IRELAND! ME! COWS! I could not contain myself. 

Upon arrival at the dairy farm, they were met by a small herd of cows. Happy cows. Quiet, inquisitive cows.

We opened the wooden gate and walked into the pasture with his herd, a group of about 65 Friesian cows.
The wind whipped the grass and some cows watched us quietly and inquisitively, while others munched away at the grass or sat quietly chewing their cud. These were clearly happy cows.

The scenery and the cows left her overcome with emotion

I can’t speak for the others, but something about the ocean and the presence of the animals and the whipping wind moved me. It felt so majestic and mysterious, like I was standing on the edge of the world.

And kind of jealous of the cows.

But when it came time to go back to the farmer’s house for tea and sandwiches, I didn’t want to go. I’d only just gotten there and the thought that I’d probably never again see this part of the world, our wild and beautiful world, made my heart ache a little. What lucky cows, and people, to get to live there. Lucky me, too, that I got to see it for a little while.

Elsewhere in the blog post, she marveled at how well Irish cows are looked after (“The mild Irish climate means that the cows can live and graze outside for 300 days out of the year…”) and at what a “good life” they lead

The rest of the day was spent on the road and I didn’t get back home until very late, but I couldn’t stop thinking about that moment with the herd of happy, quiet cows out in the great green pasture on those craggy Irish cliffs. I’m so very grateful I got to experience that moment.

Cows outside! Did you ever hear the like?

Though the piece was written over two years ago, Irish people are sharing it again and loving how sweet it is.

What can we say? We are very much here for people complimenting our cows.

Oh, cows. We’ll never take you for granted again.


(h/t Oisin McGann)

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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